Thursday, August 9, 2007

Take it to the Bank

Tyra's talk show aptly named Tyra is now taping it's first episodes as I type this. I mentioned in a prior post that she is in the same building as Martha Stewart. The crowd waiting to get in could not be more different than Martha's audience. Tyra's audience is composed of young black women, all in their 20's. However, it is not their race or age that is the striking contrast with a Martha audience. The major difference is in their appearance. The women going into see Tyra's show look like hookers at a convention. They are all wearing leggings or micro-minis that even Amanda Woodward would think are too small. Also there is not one woman in the crowd wearing lower than a 4 inch heel. And these are not solid chunky heels, but stiletto heels. Tyra may as well be doing a show called America's Next Top Ho. Welcome to the neighborhood Tyra.

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